Jan and Arjen Sjo Wiki
Afbeelding 8

Bob right after a pun

Bob is the main character from the bob the spy series and is played by Sjo. Though he is an American and works for the American government he tries to maintain his brittish accent.


Afbeelding 4

Bob displaying his briliance by looking around a glas wall

As a teenager Bob was selected for the C.I.A. juvenile training program. After a few years he had to do the final exam and failed horribly. But thanks to an administation error he and he alone was selected to be the number one spy. Though he is an adult now he still has the brain capacity of a minor. His puns are considered lethal and illegal weapons in 12 states and 42 countries. He likes explosions, bad action movies, Elmo, hamburgers, and Quantum physics.


Hand to hand

  • Like any secret agent bob is a martial arts expert but he oftens forget to use it or that he even has it.


  • Bob and his little gun

    Bob and his little gun

    Bob is the proud owner of a very small gun wich he replaces with a very big one after seeing the general showing of his.

Supreme intelligence

  • Hahahaha... no


  • He claims to have a licence to pun.